Things a Man Won’t Tell You

love - men's secrets


First and foremost, a man won’t tell you what is on his mind or how he feels.  He won’t share his worries, his insecurities, jealousy or anything that may be bothering him.  A man fears he will seem weak.  Men are taught as boys to be strong at all times.

Your man won’t share negative information about his friends or family with you.  Men are much better at keeping secrets than women are.  Men don’t disclose anything about themselves, in their past or present that he is embarrassed about or uncomfortable with.  Most men won’t tell you that they cheated on all their girlfriends or their ex-wife, or that he is a former alcoholic, drug user, or that he beat his last girlfriend.

Most men won’t tell you about their adverse health conditions or that they are popping the ” little blue pill”.

Some men lust after other women, maybe even one of your girlfriends.  He knows better than to share that with you.  (LOL)

Men don’t usually tell you the moment that they fall for you or why they hate to say the words, “I love you”.  It makes them feel vulnerable.

All men hate it when their woman won’t shut up, but he usually doesn’t want to hurt her feelings by telling her.  He would rather tune her out.  A man won’t always tell his woman that he need space.  He will start pulling away from her instead.

Most men won’t tell you that he’s bored in the bedroom and wants to try something new or that he craves more sex.  He would rather get it elsewhere.

The one thing all men refuse to tell you the truth about when you ask them, is how you look in an outfit or anything regarding your appearance, whether it’s your weight, make up, hair style, etc.  They know their woman can’t handle the truth, if it’s not the answer she wants to hear from him.

Girl Code: Why We Need One

Women should be kinder to one another.  Unlike men, who will nod or speak to each other when their eyes meet, women will often hate on another woman by eyeing her from head-to-toe, but without a smile or a hello.

Body shaming another woman is something we should never do.  Society already places unrealistic standards on how women should look.  We come in all shapes and sizes, and everyone isn’t going to look like a supermodel.

Girlfriends’ exes should certainly be off-limits.  That includes ex-boyfriends, ex-husbands and even her crushes.  Cat fights between a woman over a man is definitely foolish.  No man is worth getting not even a strand of your hair pulled out.  There are too many men available to fight over one.

Girlfriends should always have your back when you’re out partying. They should always watch your drink at the bar.   A real girlfriend would never let her friend drive home when she’s been drinking too much.  It’s better to get an Uber than a D.U.I.

When girlfriends have a fallout, they still shouldn’t spill the tea, or tell her secrets on social media.   You should value your friendship and avoid posting negative comments (shade) about someone who you use to call a friend.

Girlfriends should be happy for each other if one of them finds the man of her dreams, regardless of whether she’s still looking for Mr. Right.   Some women are known to abandon their girlfriends when they meet a new man.   We have to remember men will come and go, but your girlfriends will always be there for you when the relationship ends to help you get your slay on.

Whatever happened to “Girl Power?”  Women should want to empower one another.  That’s why I think we need to follow a Girl Code.

It Takes More Than Great Sex to Keep it Together

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A relationship where sex is the glue holding it together, won’t last.  You’re in bed only a minimal amount of time in a day.  If you can’t get along outside of the bedroom, then there’s not enough compatibility between the couple to sustain the relationship.

Intimacy is very important in a relationship because it bonds and connects the couple, but respect, communication, compatibility and compromise are also needed to hold it together.  A passionless relationship won’t be fulfilling when there isn’t any physical attraction or sexual chemistry.

When sexual compatibility is all you have in a relationship, the passion will fade in time and if you don’t have anything else in common, you will drift apart.  Being friends as well as being lovers may be enough for the relationship to last despite the lack of sexual chemistry.

Sex is the most important thing to most men.  Usually a man’s main focus is on sex, while a woman’s main focus is on love.  When the sex is great and the compatibility is there, generally that can be the recipe for a happy, healthy and lasting relationship.

Beauty; Is it a Blessing or a Curse


First and foremost, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  What’s on the inside should have more significance, than what’s on the outside.  Being beautiful has its perks and downfalls.  Women are judged by their appearance more so than men are.

Beauty will get you noticed, but it doesn’t mean a man’s intentions towards you are going to be good.   There have been many beautiful women;  Marilyn Monroe, Halle Berry, etc., whom have not had good relationships with men.   A beautiful woman will never know if a man really loves her for herself, or if she is just someone’s arm candy or possession.  Most of the attention from men is purely lust.  Some men may only want to “hit it” so they can say they had her.

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Think With Your Head, not With Your Heart


When in a relationship, women often lead with their heart, not with their head.  They may know someone isn’t right for them, but if they like him, they will let their heart override their head.  On the other hand, men usually think with their big or little head, but not with their heart.

A woman’s intuition will often alert her to red flags in a relationship.  She may ignore her intuition and in the end, she’ll realize her uneasy feelings about a man were warranted.  Women who are smart in all aspects of their lives;  their career, their finances, etc., will still tend to make foolish choices when it comes to affairs of the heart.  Women will put on blinders or may think they can change a man to be who they want him to be.  This rarely works.  With men, what you see, is usually what you get.

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Tips on How to Become a Man Magnet


Men are initially attracted to a woman they have an instant sexual attraction to.  Women who are confident, attractive and has the body type they like.  A woman’s physical attributes are what immediately attracts a man to a woman.  He will undress her in his mind.

Men also desire women who are feminine and girly;  showing their legs, wearing heels, perfume, being fashionable and some prefer a long, shiny head of hair.  Appearing to be happy, smiling and having a great personality will attract men.  Having poise and self-esteem are shown through your body language, your walk and in your conversation.

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Love Him, but Love Yourself More



Having confidence and self-esteem go hand-in-hand with loving yourself.  Self-love is necessary in order for a person to feel they deserve to be loved, and to put themselves first, before others.  When a woman loves a man more than she loves herself, she will sacrifice her wants and needs for his to please her man.

Confidence and self-love are attractive qualities in a mate. I think it may be hard for someone to truly love a person who doesn’t love themself.  It’s ironic though, that not loving yourself doesn’t prevent a person from being able to love someone else.  The problem is when you love someone more than you love yourself, they’ll probably love you less and may take your love for granted.

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