Keep Lust Alive in Your Relationship

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The sparks can fizzle out over time, but it doesn’t have to.  You must do your part in keeping your man desiring you.  Continue to be the sexy lady he fell in love with in the first place.

Foreplay should start throughout the day and lovemaking shouldn’t only take place in the bedroom.  Flirting, sexting and talking dirty can also get you aroused.  Date night and vacations without the children are a must to keep the lust alive in a relationship.  Wearing lingerie to bed and role play can also contribute to an exciting sex life.  You have to constantly find new adventurous ways to keep the passionate feeling.  It’s easy to get bored when romance becomes monotonous.  Be spontaneous and unpredictable at all times.  Try a couples spa day, wine and painting events or a picnic in a scenic park or by the water.  (Don’t forget the wine and cheese!)

Couples should have open non-judgmental communication.  They should talk about their sexual needs, different positions to try and share their fantasies and desires.  Let them know if you desire sex more frequently or if you would like to experiment with new ways to please one another.

Don’t get complacent in your relationship.  The sparks will continue to burn by  exploring different methods to enhance the excitement and keep lust alive.


Flirting Isn’t Always Harmless

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You can unknowingly put your relationship in jeopardy when you believe flirting is just playful innocent behavior, when in fact your intentions are not so innocent.  Temptation to go further can definitely lead to infidelity.  Having sexual attraction for someone aside from your bae an easily progress into inappropriate behavior or cheating if you put yourself in a compromising situation.  It’s like playing with fire.

It’s always flattering and is definitely an ego boost when you are flirted with.  Be careful not to need this type of attention so badly that you are vulnerable because you aren’t getting any attention from your man.  You could easily get emotionally attached to another person who satisfies your emotional needs.

If your man is flirting with other women in front of you, this is blatantly disrespectful behavior that you should not tolerate.

Harmless flirting would be simply smiling, greeting or complimenting the opposite sex in passing.

Flirting has gone too far when it involves:

  • Touching or other physical contact
  • pursuing the other person
  • Continuous contact

Aggressive flirting can be a sign of lust, in this case it is best left between couples or singles who are available and are not in a relationship.

He Cheated, Now What?

love - love is about trust


It is the anniversary of my initial posting of He Cheated, Now What?

This is the most commented on post I have written so far, so I have decided to re-blog it.  This subject matter may be of interest to everyone at some point in their life, even if just to advise someone on how to handle infidelity when they are going through it.


When you have been cheated on, the first thing you have to do is decide if the relationship is worth saving.  Both of you must really want to work at gaining trust and healing from the pain and disappointment of the betrayal that goes along with the infidelity.

Communication is needed to understand what caused the infidelity in the first place.  This is crucial in hopes of preventing it from happening again.  Couples counseling could help with an unbiased third-party.   He has to earn your trust again.  Trust is very hard to gain, once it has been lost.

Don’t obsess over information about the other woman.  It was your man who betrayed your trust, the other woman doesn’t have any loyalty to you.  You need to know if it was a one-time affair or a lengthy affair.  A slip up is easier to forgive.  If it was with an ex, that could mean there are still underlying feelings between them.   That would pose a problem in trying to salvage the relationship.  If he has cheated on you before or he has a pattern of cheating in all of his past relationships, he most likely will cheat on you again.

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