Is Monogamy Still a Valid Expectation


Although it seems that everyone is cheating, that’s simply not the case.  It’s definitely easier to cheat since there is easy access to pornography, cybersex and hookup sites on social media.  You can remain at home, while surfing the internet for sex.  It all depends on what you define as cheating.  Some women believe that all men cheat.   In reality, who are the men cheating with? (other women)   Statistics show there’s not much difference in the percentage of men that cheat versus women.

Couples can remain faithful if they are committed to each other, their communication is open and honest and if everyone’s emotional and physical needs are being met.  Cheating is definitely a choice.  The same effort put into cheating should be put in keeping your relationship exciting and your bond stronger.

If you choose to remain faithful to your man then you should continue to expect him to live by the same standard.  You don’t have any control over the actions of anyone else, but it all depends on what you are willing to accept.  Some couples fear that they will encounter infidelity issues, so they decide to have an open relationship or to be polyamorous.  They feel this option will allow them to stay together, despite being with other people.  These relationships don’t necessarily have a greater chance of surviving because one of them could still fall for someone else.

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To the Other Woman, Karma is a B****


Taking someone else’s man may feel good to your ego, but just know that your days are numbered.  What goes around comes around!  The other woman is often insecure and have trust issues.  A man who cheats on one woman, is inclined to cheat on the one he cheated with.   He may trade her in for another woman when he gets bored.   A man may also feel that his lover doesn’t have any morals and values, so she may be the one who cheats.  Since he already has a wife or girlfriend, she wouldn’t really be cheating on him. (LOL)

A man doesn’t usually marry his mistress.  She continues to hang on waiting in the background, while he often never leaves his wife.  She doesn’t realize she’s nothing more to him than his “side chick.” Even when a married man says he’s not sleeping with his wife, he usually is.

The other woman isn’t the one who took the vows of fidelity the married man is, but she is an enabler or accomplice to the cheater.  The married man is the one who betrayed you.   She is only hurting herself by denying herself a chance at having a respectable relationship.

Some things to keep in mind when you are the other woman:

  1.  You are sharing a man.
  2.  You are always kept a secret.
  3.  You are settling for less wasting your time with someone who is not available, when you deserve so much more.
  4.  You may have many lonely nights and holidays, because he can’t slip away.
  5.  You will always be second to his wife and children.

Trust is always questionable when you have a cheater and a home wrecker.

Just remember, how you get a man is how you’ll lose him.  Karma is a bitch!!



He Cheated, Now What?

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It is the anniversary of my initial posting of He Cheated, Now What?

This is the most commented on post I have written so far, so I have decided to re-blog it.  This subject matter may be of interest to everyone at some point in their life, even if just to advise someone on how to handle infidelity when they are going through it.


When you have been cheated on, the first thing you have to do is decide if the relationship is worth saving.  Both of you must really want to work at gaining trust and healing from the pain and disappointment of the betrayal that goes along with the infidelity.

Communication is needed to understand what caused the infidelity in the first place.  This is crucial in hopes of preventing it from happening again.  Couples counseling could help with an unbiased third-party.   He has to earn your trust again.  Trust is very hard to gain, once it has been lost.

Don’t obsess over information about the other woman.  It was your man who betrayed your trust, the other woman doesn’t have any loyalty to you.  You need to know if it was a one-time affair or a lengthy affair.  A slip up is easier to forgive.  If it was with an ex, that could mean there are still underlying feelings between them.   That would pose a problem in trying to salvage the relationship.  If he has cheated on you before or he has a pattern of cheating in all of his past relationships, he most likely will cheat on you again.

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Once a Cheater, Always a Cheater?

once a cheater - always a cheater


A person who cheats can change if they really want to change and feel the need to change.  If someone loses or almost loses the love of their life, this could be the wake up call to make them realize the significance of their actions.  Without serious consequences for their betrayal, a cheater will most likely continue to cheat throughout the relationship.  When someone cheats and knows that it will be forgiven just by saying that they’re sorry and that you won’t leave them, they will feel that they have nothing to lose if they get caught again.  If the cheater has remorse and guilt they are more likely to be able to remain faithful in the future.

Couples counseling could help the couple to get to the bottom of why the affair happened in the first place, and help them learn to communicate their needs with one another and to be able to work through problems in the relationship.  Being vulnerable and unhappy in a relationship can lead to infidelity.

The betrayal is always in the back of the mind of the person who has been cheated on, and the insecurity and fear that it will happen again.  They may think you are cheating again, even if you aren’t.   That’s why rebuilding trust is so crucial to getting past the affair.   If the person cheats a second time, this may be a sign of an habitual cheater.  At this point, it may be time to consider ending the relationship.  If they have cheated in all of their past relationships, they probably won’t take monogamy seriously with you either.

Once a cheater, always a cheater doesn’t have to be their fate.  Some couples come out of an affair, more committed to each other than they were before the affair.  Of course, there are no guarantees in love and lust!


Keep Yourself Market Ready

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Whether a woman is single, in a relationship or a marriage, she should always keep herself up (her hair, body, fashion, make up).   Her man will continue to see his bae as the sexy woman he fell in love with.  He will also notice other men are eyeing her too.

There is nothing worse than breaking up and having to work so hard at losing weight, getting your sexy back and building your confidence again in order to get yourself back on the dating scene.

Women who slay can rebound much faster and their confidence remains intact after a breakup.  Keeping yourself put together at all times is attractive to men.  They see a woman who is confident and loves herself.  Putting your man and your children first and neglecting yourself, is a sure way to get your man to lose interest and desire for you.  Women who get stuck into the wifey and baby mama or superwoman mode, may inadvertently cause their men to stray.  These women are often taken for granted and are no longer being romanced by their men.

When you keep yourself market ready, your man will want to do date night to take you out and show you off.  What man doesn’t desire some good arm candy?  She keeps his lust for her alive.  Every woman should want to be the best version of herself.  It’s easier to keep up the glam when she is doing it for herself, and not just for a man.


Should You Tell Your Girlfriend Her Man is Cheating on Her?



Although your loyalty is always with your girlfriend, you are putting your friendship at risk when you tell your girlfriend that her man is cheating on her.  When it is her husband that’s cheating, it could turn her life upside down especially if they have children.  It would be less risky, if he is just a boyfriend.

Most women have a suspicion when their man is cheating.  Women are intuitive.  Men are so careless and they’re creatures of habit.  When a man’s regular habits/routines change drastically this is a red flag that most women pick up on right away.  Cheating is the first thing that we suspect.

When a husband is cheating on his wife, most wives already know and choose to stay with their husbands.  Many wives choose to remain in denial because they don’t want to leave him or confront him.  They want to hold on to the fairy tale that they are happy and have the perfect marriage.  By remaining in denial, their man will continue to practice some level of discretion and show some respect in hopes of her not finding out.  Once a man knows that you are aware of his infidelity, and you choose to stay with him, at this point he will continue to cheat on you throughout your relationship.  He will no longer have the fear of losing you, so he becomes less discreet and more disrespectful.  Women must realize when you confront someone about their infidelity you must be prepared to take some kind of action to let them know you will not tolerate cheating, or you’re better off pretending not to know.

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Social Media Can Ruin Relationships

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Putting all of your personal business out there is not good for any relationship.  Some information should be kept private between you and your man and shouldn’t even be shared with your girlfriends.  Have you noticed that couples on Reality TV have a greater risk of breaking up or divorcing?

Too many couples spend so much of their time on social media rather than spending quality time with each other.  Social media are often used for cheating purposes, connecting with random men or women or reconnecting with former lovers.  Social media can cause temptation, which could lead to infidelity.  Excessive time spent on social media sites can cause jealousy, insecurity, create distance, trust issues and conflict in a relationship. Connecting in a flirtatious way, by liking sexy photos of the opposite sex can be a sign of trouble.  Social media can become addictive just like pornography can become to some people.

You should never assume your Relationship Status without first discussing it with the other person as to where you are, and to make sure you are on the same page as far as your relationship status is concerned.  If you’re in a relationship and your man or woman refuses to change his/his status on Facebook or refuses to post photos with you together, it’s likely they are purposely excluding you to hide that they are in a relationship.  This is definitely a red flag that you shouldn’t ignore.

Constantly being distracting with our cellphones has also become more engaging than communicating with each other.  Have you ever noticed while dining in a restaurant, couples are on their phones and not talking to one another?  Couples fight over sharing passwords and pass codes all of the time.  This will certainly cause trust issues in a relationship.

While you’re connecting with others and feeling the pressure to increase the number of friends and followers you have on social media, be careful not to allow social media to cause you to disconnect from the person who should mean the most to you.  In other words, don’t let social media take over your life!




Break Up, Just to Make Up

When you’re in a relationship and you develop a pattern of breaking up just to get back together again, after a while you won’t be taken seriously.  It’s like using a break up as a tool to get what you want.  Have you ever heard the saying “The boy who cried wolf?”  That’s what constantly breaking up and then making up is like.  This tactic won’t continue to work after two or three times.  It’s like you’re bluffing to get his attention.

If you have compatibility issues, then you may have to move on because you can’t make someone be the person you want them to be, unless they truly want to change.  If you are spoiled and always want to have your way, you should learn to compromise and develop better communication skills as it could be key to resolving many problems in the relationship.

Relationships aren’t always easy.  You have two individual personalities and attitudes to deal with.  There will have to be some give and take on both sides.  If your love is strong enough the relationship will survive.  When you are in a relationship that is worth saving, you should try to stay together and figure things out.  A relationship with constant ups and downs, like a roller coaster ride, could be a sign that you’re in a toxic relationship.  Hopefully, that’s not the case.

Sometimes it takes a break up for couples to miss one another and realize how much they really care.   Besides, it could be sweeter the second time around.

Why Men Suddenly Lose Interest


A man will get bored if there’s constant predictability or monotonous routine in his relationship.  Men crave spontaneity and a challenge to keep their interest.  It’s like playing the game of chess.  Men enjoy strategizing their next move in order to reel her in.  Keeping a man unsure of your feelings, will stop him from taking you for granted and in turn from losing interest in you.  Being unpredictable and changing up things at a whim, will make him want to continue seeing you.

Men are hunters by nature.  They are always up for a challenge.  Someone who cause them to have to up their game in order to win her over will remain interesting to him.  The thrill of the chase is intriguing to a man.  He won’t lose interest in a woman who wasn’t too easy to get in the first place.  The harder a man has to work at pursuing a woman, the more he will value her.

Contrary to what most women think, most men still expect to have to pursue a woman.  A man’s ego will cause him to continue to chase after a woman he wants.  Men are competitive and don’t like to give up or feel defeated.  She would be more interesting to him than a woman who is chasing after him.

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Break up, but Remain Friends



In order to be able to be in a relationship, break up and remain friends, you must have a strong friendship from the start.  It’s possible but not likely to lose your man, but keep your friend.  Sometimes that happens when a friendship is taken to the next level, but doesn’t work out romantically.

If a break up is a mutual decision it’s possible you could still be friends.  The key to remaining friends is to realize early on when the relationship isn’t working out and end it civilly before it gets nasty and bitterness sets in.  Both parties must want to salvage the friendship.  It’s easier when it’s someone you have been dating for a short period of time.  When neither of you have invested that much time and energy into the relationship, you could simply say that you enjoy hanging out with them, but you don’t feel there’s chemistry between you.  When only one person wants out of the relationship, then the other person may be offended by suggesting they be placed in the “friend zone.”

Being friends after ending a relationship usually won’t happen immediately if you have been in a relationship for a while.  It will take some time apart to get over the hurt and to forgive them and move on.  There would have to be maturity on both sides and they would both have to no longer have romantic feelings towards each other in order for a friendship to actually work.  This is not the usual situation in a break up.  Sometimes one of them still want to be together.

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