Flirting Isn’t Always Harmless

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You can unknowingly put your relationship in jeopardy when you believe flirting is just playful innocent behavior, when in fact your intentions are not so innocent.  Temptation to go further can definitely lead to infidelity.  Having sexual attraction for someone aside from your bae an easily progress into inappropriate behavior or cheating if you put yourself in a compromising situation.  It’s like playing with fire.

It’s always flattering and is definitely an ego boost when you are flirted with.  Be careful not to need this type of attention so badly that you are vulnerable because you aren’t getting any attention from your man.  You could easily get emotionally attached to another person who satisfies your emotional needs.

If your man is flirting with other women in front of you, this is blatantly disrespectful behavior that you should not tolerate.

Harmless flirting would be simply smiling, greeting or complimenting the opposite sex in passing.

Flirting has gone too far when it involves:

  • Touching or other physical contact
  • pursuing the other person
  • Continuous contact

Aggressive flirting can be a sign of lust, in this case it is best left between couples or singles who are available and are not in a relationship.

Women Shouldn’t Lead With Their Curves, If They Want to be Taken Seriously

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When a woman first meet a man if she flaunts her sex appeal by dressing too provocative or revealing, a man will see her as an easy score.  Men place women in categories almost immediately.  A man may think of her as loose and only as a booty call or a friend with benefits.  She won’t be taken seriously by him.  She definitely won’t be the one he’ll take home to meet his mother or someone he will see himself in a serious relationship with.

Most men still judge women just as harshly as they did years ago.  A woman’s appearance,  body language and the way she carries herself can cause her to be labeled in a negative way.

Tasteful flirting in a lady-like manner, is as assertive as a woman she be in initiating contact with a man.  Being too aggressive with a stranger could be risky behavior.  Some men believe an aggressive woman will come on to any man that she is attracted to.  He won’t think she only approached him because he’s special.  Just like when a woman sleeps with a man too soon, he feels she does this with every man she meets, which may not always be the case.

When a man gets a woman in bed too quickly, and he hasn’t had the time to get to know her, there’s no other reason for him to come back, but for more sex.  He doesn’t feel the need to get to know YOU at this point.  Remember, every man’s goal is to “hit it”.

First impressions are lasting impressions, so don’t ruin your chances of being taken seriously by behaving in a way that you will be thought of only as a “good-time girl.”