Fight, but Give Into Make-up Sex


make up sex


Fighting is normal in a relationship.  You have two distinct personalities which will not always agree or get along.  Compromise is key to handling problems without destroying your relationship.  Make-up sex allows a couple to bond by closing the distance caused by fighting.  The energy and adrenaline it takes to fight, can actually lead to arousal.   You can’t stay angry with your man if he just made sweet love to you.   Make-up sex is exciting, but it doesn’t resolve any underlying issues between couples.  It’s just a temporary fix.

In relationships where couples never fight, one of them are holding back their true feelings in order to please the other person.  That person would rather keep quiet to keep the peace in order to avoid conflict altogether.  Somewhere down the line, resentment will build up.  This is not a healthy relationship.  Both parties must be able to communicate to resolve problems in their relationship.   When there are domestic abuse issues, it’s time to get out of the relationship and seek protection.

Couples will have misunderstandings, but as long as you can argue in a respectful manner and are able to let the power struggle end, and you can meet somewhere in the middle, fighting is a normal part of a relationship.  Tackle the problem, not the person.  There’s no better way to say you’re sorry, than make-up sex.  LOL